Bacon Guacamole Grilled Cheese
It seems to me, that almost everyone around me is on some
sort of diet. They either “don’t eat bread,” or say, “Oh I can’t eat that, that’s
candy and I am watching my weight.” How much weight does one Cadbury egg add on
to ones hips? I understand the importance of eating healthy and exercising but
sometimes I just want to scream and rub cake all over my face, then, eat a
Food is just too good of a thing to pass you by over and
over. If you want IN-N-Out burger that one time, eat it. Go on I give you
permission. Or if you want one day to pig out all day, eating fried chicken
with the butteriest biscuits you have ever seen that melt in your mouth the
moment it touches your lips, EAT IT.
If you never take the chance to try the food you believe is
unhealthy for you, half the time you are missing out on some of the best food
you will ever taste. I would rather be happy and normal weight, than skinny and
underweight were all I get for flavor is carrot sticks.
As long as you balance out your cravings and don’t go
overboard frequently with high calorie and fatty foods, I say eat your heart
out buddy. Don’t let that perfect slice of cheesecake pass you by again.
Now I am not saying to shove your face with all you favorite
unhealthy foods, I’m saying live a little. Don’t be that health nut that’s awkward
to take to dinner, because then you’ll make your friend feel like a fatass.
You should probably eat that one candy bar that you always
pass at the checkout stand. I bet it’ll be worth it.
Good advice. I want to eat that picture.