Everyone should go to Hawaii once in their life. Your life hasn't begun unless you have experienced the islands! I honestly believe it is heaven on earth. Ever since my first family vacation when I was five years old, and my parents actually let my sister and I bring a whole trunk of Barbies on the airplane with us, I have been completely and totally in love with anything Hawaii.
The sun, sand, beaches, food, and culture are just a few of the relaxing and amazing things Hawaii has to offer. There is so much culture and history in just those few islands. It really is a complete get away and if I could pay for everyone to go I would because it is an experience of a lifetime that you will remember for your entire life.
There's nothing like laying on the beach with the warm sun, warm water and being completely relaxed with a good tan. And don't even get me started on the food... the plate lunches, locomocos, Spam wasubi, ahi poki, and any kind of sushi you can think of is the best food in the world.
Two years ago my older sister Emily, got into the master degree program for teaching at the University of Hawaii on Oahu. She lives on the North Shore where I took the picture above. My family is spoiled to have her there because we take trips out there at least once a year.
Basically what I am saying is, you should probably travel to Hawaii sometime in your life and see what you're missing.
I've had the pleasure of going to Hawaii four times. Each time was different - the last time was in 1997. Maybe it is time to go back.